If you're in need of a boost or a reminder to keep pursuing your big dreams, immerse yourself in this selection of uplifting, motivational quotes. 

1. Dare to dream big, then do something about it

A reminder to dream big and then take inspired action. The first step to achieving a dream is often the hardest, so start small and go - before you can talk yourself out of it! 

Dare to dream big and do something about it

2. At least once a day, allow yourself the freedom to dream

Visualisation is a powerful tool which can help us to expand our visions and explore the details of our dreams.

In daily meditation, a great exercise is to imagine a dream day in the life or your hopes for a few years time. Allow youself a few moments of freedom to dream and explore. 

At least once a day allow yourself the freedom to dream

3. My dreams will become my reality 

A powerful affirmation and reminder that your dreams will become your reality. Every idea starts in the imagination, everything starts with a dream. 

My dreams will become my reality

4. Don't make your dreams smaller to fit into your current reality. Upgrade your expectations and mindset on what you deserve and what's possible. 

It's easy to play safe, think about what is realistic within the timeframe or circumstances.

But rather than focusing on being realistic, what if we upgraded our expectations and mindset instead - start expecting things to go our way shift faster - miracles even. Upgrade your mindset, make space for bigger dreams. 

Dont make your dreams smaller to fit your current reality

5. Everything starts with a dream

Everything you see right now started life in someones imagination. From the desk I currently sit, the keyboard I type on.... You are reading a blog post i dreamed up, with quotes that started life in my imagination ... Everything starts with a dream. 

Everything starts with a dream

Turn dreams into plans with our Daydreamer planners and sticker collection.

6. Always remember you have inside you the strength, the brilliance, and the power to reach for the stars and achieve anything.

You are capable of more than you think, you are stronger than you know - you have what it takes to achieve your dreams. 

Always remember you have inside you the strength, the brilliance, and the power to reach for the stars and achieve anything.

7. I owe it to myself to show up, be consistent and stay focused 

Achieving our dreams means showing up every day and doing a little something to take them forward. You owe it to yourself to keep showing up each day.

I owe it to myself to show up, be consistent and stay focused

8. No one cares about your success as much as you do, so don't let other people's opinions get in your way. 

Going after our dreams sometimes means going against the grain, doing things differently, being a renegade, a rebel.

Other people's opinions will sometimes... not be aligned with our own, its easy to be swayed by these and question our moves. But trust yourself, trust your dreams. 

No one cares about your success as much as you do, so don't let other people's opinions get in your way.

9. If a dream feels too big, see it as a good thing - it means we have the space and opportunity to grow into it. 

Big dreams allow us the space to grow into them, if a dream is easy where's the fun in that? 

If a dream feels too big, see it as a good thing - it means we have the space and opportunity to grow into it.

10. Never give up on s dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.  

Stay the course. It will be worth it. 

Never give up on s dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.

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